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Topic: template-unreal


The Quick-Start guide explains how to, in few steps, get from an API to a functional Unreal Engine plugin.

1. Install the code generator

Get ApiGear Studio or ApiGear CLI. For more information check the ApiGear documentation.

2. Get the template

There are several options to get the template. Installation via the Studio or the CLI. Alternatively it is possible to clone or to download it directly from github.

Installation via ApiGear CLI

You can install the template with apigear template install apigear-io/template-unreal. And you can always check whether installation was successful via the template list command.

$ apigear template list
list of templates from registry and cache
name | installed | registry | url
apigear-io/template-unreal | false | true |
$ apigear template install apigear-io/template-unreal
$ apigear template list
list of templates from registry and cache
name | installed | registry | url
apigear-io/template-unreal | true | true |

When using the CLI for installation only the highlighted line is imported.

Installation via ApiGear Studio

From within the studio the installation is really simple.

  1. Open an existing project or create an new one
  2. Go to the Templates tab
  3. Click Install on the apigear-io/template-unreal entry
Install the unreal template
Figure: Install the unreal template

Clone from github

In case you want to check or modify the source code of the template, it is easier to clone or download the repository. The repository does not need to be part of the project, but can be stored anywhere on the computer.

$ git clone

3. Set up an ApiGear project

For a project we need two files. Both should be in a folder called apigear next to each other.

  • The solution file which specifies what APIs and which template to use for it.
  • And at least one API module file.

Those files can be created manually or alternatively, one can also use the Studio to create a new project and modify the two example files.

Solution file

Create a solution file. The example below specifies

  • the helloworld.module.yaml which contains the API in line 8
  • the output directory in line 9
  • the apigear-ui/template-unreal to be used in line 10. This can also be a path to a local copy of the template.
  • enables the stubs feature of the template, a simple implementation in line 13.
schema: "apigear.solution/1.0"
name: ue_docs
version: "0.1"

- name: ue_docs
- helloworld.module.yaml
output: ../ue_docs
template: apigear-io/template-unreal
force: true
- stubs

API module file

Use your favorite text editor to create the helloworld.module.yaml with the example content:

schema: apigear.module/1.0
version: "1.0"

- name: Hello
- { name: last, type: Message }
- name: say
- { name: msg, type: Message }
- { name: when, type: When }
type: int
- name: justSaid
- { name: msg, type: Message }
- name: When
- { name: Now, value: 0 }
- { name: Soon, value: 1 }
- { name: Never, value: 2 }
- name: Message
- { name: content, type: string }

4. Generate code

For the code generation we assume that both ApiGear files reside in an apigear subfolder next to the Unreal Engine project. In this case the folder structure should look similar to this.

┣ 📂apigear
┃ ┣ 📜helloworld.solution.yaml
┃ ┗ 📜helloworld.module.yaml
┣ 📂ue_docs
┃ ┣ 📂Config
┃ ┣ 📂Content
┃ ┣ 📂Platforms
┃ ┣ 📂Plugins
┃ ┣ 📂Source
┃ ┗ 📜ue_docs.uproject

Using the the solution file from the previous paragraph the code will be generated in the ue_docs/Plugins folder.

Generate via CLI

The following snippet shows how to generate code using the CLI.

$ apigear generate solution apigear/helloworld.solution.yaml 
17:52:20 INF generated 92 files in 30ms. (33 write, 0 skip, 59 copy) topic=gen
  • generate tells the CLI that it should generate code
  • solution specifies that we want to run a solution file

Generate via Studio

  1. Open the project
  2. Go to the Solutions tab
  3. Click Run on the helloworld.solution.yaml entry
Generate code
Figure: Generate code

5. How to use the plugin

The generated code can be used with Blueprints and C++. The following paragraphs show how this can be achieved. Make sure to have the generated plugin code in your projects plugins directory as noted in the previous section.


Open your project in the Unreal Editor and choose a Blueprint where you want to use the interface. In this Blueprint we first get the GameInstance subsystem of the type Io World Hello.

Get subsystem in blueprint
Figure: Get subsystem in blueprint

On this subsystem we can choose the asynchronous say function.

Choose method on interface in blueprint
Figure: Choose method on interface in blueprint

The complete setup to say "Hello world" on begin play.

Hello interface example in blueprint
Figure: Hello interface example in blueprint


Since the generated interface is used outside of its own module, we have to add the module identifier to the list of dependency modules in the dependent module e.g. your project's or another plugin's module. To do this, open the dependents module, e.g. ue_docs.Build.cs, and add IoWorld to the PublicDependencyModuleNames. IoWorld is the demo module's name in the example.

PublicDependencyModuleNames.AddRange(new string[] { "Core", "CoreUObject", "Engine", "InputCore", "IoWorld" });

Afterwards, we can simply include the header files for the api interface, the stub implementation and use it.

#include "ue_docsGameModeBase.h"
#include "Implementation/IoWorldHello.h"
#include "Generated/api/IoWorld_data.h"
#include "Generated/api/IoWorldHelloInterface.h"

void Aue_docsGameModeBase::InitGame(const FString& MapName, const FString& Options, FString& ErrorMessage)
Super::InitGame(MapName,Options, ErrorMessage);

TScriptInterface<IIoWorldHelloInterface> HelloWorldObjPtr = GetGameInstance()->GetSubsystem<UIoWorldHello>();
FIoWorldMessage MyMsg;
MyMsg.content = FString("Hello world");
HelloWorldObjPtr->Say(MyMsg, EIoWorldWhen::IWW_NOW);